23rd NARECOM - Air-permeable nanofibrous membranes for selective gas capture

The 23rd NARECOM will take place on February 15, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. NanoEnviCz scientists Jakub Hoskovec and Michal Syrový from J.E. Purkyně University will talk about air-permeable nanofibrous membranes for selective gas capture. Join Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/98671058843

Air-permeable nanofibrous membranes for selective gas capture

J. Hoskovec and M.Syrový


Electrospinning one-step technology has been optimized for manufacturing of air permeable polyurethane (PUR Laritane) membranes chemically modified by amines for CO2 capture. The key parameters monitored in this work were: sorption capacity, air permeability and mechanical resistance of the membrane under compressive loading. Modifying agent TETA and TEPA was added directly into spinning solution in two concentration 1wt.% and 5 wt.%. Samples were characterized by a series of analytical methods monitoring the surface chemistry, structure and morphology of nanofibers and the effect of these parameters on the required characteristics, i.e. sorption capacity, air permeability and mechanical resistance of membranes.  Structure of PUR Larithane has been resolved by NMR analysis and subsequently used in molecular modelling of PUR / TETA (TEPA) interactions to understand and interpret experimental data.

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