Summer School for Nanomaterials 2025

NanoEnviCz invites you to participate at SUMMER SCHOOL FOR NANOMATERIALS 2025 and thus have the possibility to touch the newest experimental techniques for the preparation, characterization and testing of nanomaterials. JOIN US AND REGISTER HERE!!!

43rd NARECOM - Metal-organic frameworks: Environmental application vs chemical stability

Do you want to learn about the 3D crystalline structures with high specific surface area and pore volume for environmental application? Join our NARECOM seminar which will be given by a specialist Dr. Daniel Bůžek on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

Innovation Marketplaces for Research Results - 19th March, 2025 - DRESDEN

Scientists and enterprise representatives together with knowledge and technology transfer intermediaries will organize an exhibition of usable research results, with special emphasis on an informal atmosphere to allow for discussions about the use and further application of the presented subjects or about joint proj...

ReMade@ARI CALL ANNOUNCEMENT - apply for services using the experimental equipment of infrastructures over the whole Europe

Are you motivated to develop materials for the Circular Economy? The 5th Call for TransNational Access (TNA) proposals for 2025 is open for you! The ReMade-TNA funding support represents a great opportunity for all scientists conducting circular economy research to benefit from a wide range of services includin...

NanoEviCz USER MEETING - 23rd APRIL 2025

NanoEnviCz will organize the USER MEETING for everybody who would need more information about the services which could be provided for all type of users. The USER MEETING will take place at the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry on April 23, 2025. Detailed program of all presentations will be known soon. C...

Výzva pro podávání žádostí o projekty s realizací v roce 2025 je otevřena

1. výzva pro podávání žádostí o projekty s realizací v roce 2024 je otevřena a první schvalovací proces proběhne nejpozději k 31. 3. 2025. Žádosti předkládajte pomocí webové aplikace. V případě, že Vaše žádost bude schválena, budete informováni e-mailem, ve kterém budou shrnuty všechny kroky následné spolupráce. PŘE...

42nd NARECOM - The impact of environmental pollution to oxidative stress in mothers/newborns

Dr. Antonín Ambrož from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the AS CR will present the results of the project titled “Healthy Aging in Industrial Environment". The presented data are focused on analyzing contaminants that affect oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in non-smoking mothers and their newbo...


PUBLICATION BY D. Panáček, J. Belza, L. Hochvaldová, at al. TITLED Single Atom Engineered Antibiotics Overcome Bacterial Resistance PUBLISHED IN Advanced Materials, 36 (2024) 2410652 WITH DOI:10.1002/adma.202410652 WAS AWARDED BY FORBES JOURNAL AS ONE OF THE 11th DISCOVERIES IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC in 2024.

41st NARECOM – Targeting Drug Delivery: Why It's Easier Said Than Done

Dr. Dominika Wróbel from the Centre for Nanomaterials and Biotechnology (CENAB) at the Jan E. Purkyne University will introduce Targeting Drug Delivery system during the 41st NARECOM seminar which will take place on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

40th NARECOM – Photocatalysis – Principle and Application in Water and Air Purification - November 13th, 2024

Heterogeneous photocatalysis is one of the advanced oxidation processes proposed for water and air purification. The concept will be introduced by one of the experts of J. Heyrovský institute of Physical Chemistry of CAS, Dr. Eliška Mikysková, on Wednesday 13th, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. You are welcome to join us at https:...

WORKSHOP of NanoEnviCz - NANOCON 2024

The organizers of NanoEnviCz workshop which traditionally took place in the frame of NANOCON2024 in Brno would like to thank to all participants of the workshop for valuable discussions and inspiring talks and comments. We are looking forward to new collaborations. We are ready to provide our services, meet your sc...

DEVELOPED an innovative sensor capable of accurately measuring temperatures between 10 and 90 degrees Celsius.

We developed the new material using fluorographene chemistry by removing fluorine atoms and attaching benzylamine to the available reactive sites. This proved to be a crucial step in creating the temperature sensor. This technology allowed us to significantly minimize the adverse effects of humidity, typically the m...

NanoEnviCz will participate at the conference - NanoBalkan International Conference (NB2024)

NanoBalkan International Conference will take place in Albania, Tirana from October 28th to November 1st, 2024. The specialist from the Palacký University involved in NanoEnviCz will discuss "Engineering Graphene Derivatives through Tailored Functionalization for Sensing Applications"

NanoEnviCz participates at the GRAPHENE WEEK 2024 in Prague

An opportunity to explore the 2D Materials of tomorrow! Supported by the European Commission, Graphene Week 2024 stands at the forefront of cutting-edge research, innovation, and technology. As Europe's leading and longest-running graphene conference, it unites over 500 international experts and students to discuss ...

39th NARECOM – Application of X-ray diffraction in material analysis - 9th October 2024

X-ray diffraction (XRD), a non-destructive powerful experimental technique with broad range of applications in the field of material science as well as industry, will be introduced by Dr. Josef Kašlík from Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials at the Palacký University Olomouc. The NARECOM lecture w...

Announcement of the 4th call for ReMade-TNA proposals for 2024 - deadline 9th October 2024

The ReMade-TNA funding support represents a great opportunity for all scientists conducting circular economy research to benefit from a wide range of services including facility access, travel and accommodation support, user support and much more. ReMade@ARI provides scientists exploring the properties and structure...

WORKSHOP of NanoEnviCz on NANOCON 2024

LRI NanoEnviCz organizes the workshop in the frame of the international conference NANOCON 2024 on Thursday 17th October 2024 from 2 p.m. Detailed program at

Noc vědců 2024 - Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR, v. v. i.

Do celoevropského projektu Noc vědců se zapojí také NanoEnviCz. Vědečtí pracovníci pracující na projektu NanoEnviCz z Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR, v. v. i. jsou připraveni ukázat Vám taje katalyzátorů jako nástroje PROMĚN v rámci zábavných exkurzí do laboratoří Oddělení Struktury a dynamiky v katalý...

poslední výzva 2024 - žádosti o servisní služby NanoEnviCz

Poslední výzva pro podávání žádostí o servisní služby s realizací v roce 2024 je otevřena a první schvalovací proces proběhne nejpozději k 31. 10. 2024. Žádosti předkládajte pomocí webové aplikace. V případě, že Vaše žádost bude schválena, budete informováni e-mailem, ve kterém budou shrnuty všechny kroky následné s...

Tha LAST CALL in 2024 is open

The LAST call for applications for projects to be implemented in 2024 is open and the first approval process will take place no later than 31st October 2024. Submit your applications using the website. If your application is approved, you will be notified by e-mail, which will summarize all the steps of subsequent c...

38th NARECOM - Application of LC/MS system in the analysis of organic compounds

After summer break, we are pleased to announce that 38th NARECOM will take place on 11th September at 2:30 p.m. We will welcome RNDr. Stanislava Vrchovecká from the Technical Univerzity in Liberec who will present her research regarding the application of LC/MS system in the analysis of organic compounds and will sh...

The old PCR is replaced

In the frame of the project PRO-NanoEnviCz III financially supported by MEYS co-funded by EU, the old PCR at the Technical University of Liberec was replaced by new one. All information about the new devices (TUL6) can be found in Our Services/ Equipment/ Microbiologic techniques.

37th NARECOM - Chemical solution deposition route to highly oriented hexaferrite thin films

We are pleased to introduce Dr. Josef Buršík from Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS who will give a talk about his results in the area of chemical solution deposition route to highly oriented hexaferrite thin films. The NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, June 19, from 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https:/...

36th NARECOM - Lactose-Functionalized Carbosilane Glycodendrimers Are Highly Potent Multivalent Ligands for Galectin-9 Binding

The 36th NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. The specialist from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the CAS, v. v. i., Ing. Monika Müllerová, Ph.D. , will introduce Lactose-Functionalized Carbosilane Glycodendrimers which are highly Potent Multivalent Ligands for Galectin-9 Bin...

35th NARECOM - The Center for Advanced Separation Techniques – Transforming Waste to Valuable Products

Special analytic-technique services offered by the Center for Advanced Separation Techniques located at the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ustí nad Labem and the center research activities will be introduced by Ing. Ivana Barchánková, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Environment on April, 17th, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. The...

34th NARECOM - Photo/electrochemistry of oxide semiconductors rationalized by band energetics

Optimizing the n-doped oxide semiconductors in photocatalysis and photo-electrochemistry requires information about the electronic structure near the conduction band minimum. The information how to determine the band gap energies will be given by Prof. RNDr. Ladislav Kavan, DCs. from the Institute of Physical Chemi...

33rd NARECOM - EPR Spectroscopy: A Key Player in Nanomaterial Exploration and Optimization

EPR spectroscopy as a key player in nanomaterial exploration and optimization will be introduced by a specialist from the Palacky University in Olomouc on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

15th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry

LRI NanoEnviCz is one of the partners of the 15th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry which will take place at the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem in September 8-13, 2024. The conference is interdisciplinary meeting covering all aspects of interesting scientific discoveries and materials-rel...

32nd NARECOM - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Capabilities and Experiments at TUL

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Capabilities which are offered for measurement at the Technical University in Liberec will be introduced by Dr. Christopher J. Hobbs from the Institute of Nanomaterials on Wednesday January 3rd, 2024. Join Zoom Meeting

31st NARECOM - How can LRI NanoEnviCz help you? Users Talks

Two different topics of NanoEnviCz users will be introduced to show the range of the provided services focused on photocatalysis. The detailed program and abstracts of the presentations are attached - see below. The 31st NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, December 6th, at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://cesne...

30th NARECOM – The effect of metal nanoparticles on gene expression of mouse mesenchymal stem cells

A comprehensive evaluation study of the toxic effects of selected NPs (Ag, ZnO, and CuO) in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that contribute to tissue growth and regeneration in the mouse body will be introduced by RNDr. Michal Šíma, Ph.D. from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences (De...

Noc vědců i na Palackého Univerzitě v Olomouci

Svůj program představí všechny fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci (UP), interaktivní muzeum/centrum popularizace vědy Pevnost poznání, Český institut výzkumu a pokročilých technologií UP (CATRIN), Vědeckotechnický park UP, Knihovna UP, Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR či Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc. VVI NanoE...

29th NARECOM – NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

Plasma processes and methods are highly usable methods for the research, development, and manufacturing of modern materials and systems. Doc. Kormunda from the Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem will present the newest ideas of this experimental approach at the 29th NARECOM taking place on October 11th at 2:30 p.m...

pozvánka na noc vědců/invitation to researcher night

Přijďte 6 . října 2023 od 18 hodin a pozvěte své přátele! VVI NanoEnviCz se podílí na organizaci Noci vědců mimo jiné i v Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AVČR, v.v.i., kde předvede svůj program - Tajemství elektrokatalýzy a Tajemství mikroskopie. Dále můžete navštívit také VVI NanoEnviCz pracoviště na Univerz...

28th NARECOM - Heterogeneous catalysis on nanostructured graphene materials

Come to explore the stability, structure, and functionality of new catalysts based on highly structured carbon materials during the 28th NARECOM, which will take place online on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. The presentation will be given by Dr. Sazama from the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemis...

27th NARECOM - Microscopic techniques as the evaluation tool in the material research

Microscopic techniques, as one of the most used nanomaterials´ characterization equipment in the frame of LRI NanoEnviCz, will be introduced by Ing. Ondřej Tomanec from CATRIN – Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials (UPOL) on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. Join the ZOOM meeting at https://c...

26th NARECOM - Laser-assisted synthesis of multielement nanoparticles

A new approach to multi-element nanoparticles´ preparation and characterization will be introduced by specialists from the Technical University of Liberec on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

NOVÁ VÝZVA pro podávání projektů - žádosti o službu VVI NanoEnviCz

Druhá výzva pro podávání žádostí o projekty s realizací v roce 2023 je otevřena až do vyhodnocení 31.7. 2023


The financial support of LRI NanoEnviCz was prolonged - the acknowledgement for the provided services was changed / Po prodloužení finanční podpory projektu VVI NanoEnviCz dochází ke změně ve znění poděkování projektu.

25th NARECOM - Ordinary day of a powder diffractionist

NanoEnviCz scientist from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS will introduce one of the most valuable experimental techniques from the NanoEnviCz services portfolio. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

24th NARECOM - Epigenetic mechanisms of macrophage polarization induced by nanofibres

The online seminar will take place on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Táňa Závodná from the Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS will speak about the newest results in the topic of Epigenetic mechanisms of macrophage polarization induced by nanofibres. ZOOM link

23rd NARECOM - Air-permeable nanofibrous membranes for selective gas capture

The 23rd NARECOM will take place on February 15, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. NanoEnviCz scientists Jakub Hoskovec and Michal Syrový from J.E. Purkyně University will talk about air-permeable nanofibrous membranes for selective gas capture. Join Zoom Meeting

Výzva pro podávání žádostí o projekty s realizací v roce 2023 je otevřena

1. výzva pro podávání žádostí o projekty s realizací v roce 2023 je otevřena a první schvalovací proces proběhne nejpozději k 31. 3. 2023. Žádosti předkládajte pomocí webové aplikace. V případě, že Vaše žádost bude schválena, budete informováni e-mailem, ve kterém budou shrnuty všechny kroky následné spolupráce.

22nd NARECOM - Nanomaterials protect our cultural heritage

The 22nd NARECOM will take place on January 18, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. A presentation about the usage of nanomaterials for preserving cultural heritage will be given by Dr. Jiří Rathouský from the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ACS in Prague. Join Zoom Meeting

Účast VVI NanoEnviCz v akci "Týden Akademie věd ČR"

Na Ústavu fyzikální chemie AVČR v.v.i. proběhne ve dnech 2.-3. listopadu 2022 "Den otevřených dveří" v rámci Týdne Akademie věd ČR. V programu je zapojena VVI NanoEnviCz, která představí práci v laboratořích Nanokatalýzy a Elektrokatalýzy. Vědečtí pracovníci ukáží možnosti našich přístrojů a vysvětlí k čemu slouží ...

21st NARECOM -XPS – an effective method for detailed surfaces’ chemical analysis

The 21st NARECOM will take place on November 9, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. The XPS method, known as electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, will be introduced by Mgr. Martin Petr, Ph.D from Palacky University of Olomouc. Join Zoom Meeting


The workshop of NanoEnviCz research infrastructure will take place, in the frame of the international conference NANOCON 2022, on October 20, at 2:00 p.m. The newest results reached by NanoEnviCz scientists and new possibilities for how to use the services provided by NanoEnviCz will be presented. The preliminary pr...

20th NARECOM -- Nanofibrous materials in wastewater treatment

Doc. Fatma Yalcinkaya, Ph.D., M.Sc. from the Institute for nanomaterials of Advanced Technologies and innovation in Technical University Liberec will introduce the subject of Nanofibrous materials in wastewater treatment on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 2:30 p.m. Join NARECOM Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.u...

Noc vědců v Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AVČR - NanoEnviCz

Noc vědců se koná dne 30.9. 2022 na různých akademických pracovištích po celé ČR. Přijďte se podívat a otestovat vědu všemi svými smysly také do Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AVČR. Program pro veřejnost začíná od 18:00. Detailní informace najdete na

19th NARECOM - first session after summer break - Mössbauer spectroscopy and its practical application

Ing. Michaela Polášková from the Palacky University in Olomouc will introduce one of the experimental techniques for nanomaterials characterization. The 19th NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 from 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

18th NARECOM – NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting - Whole-genome Expression Analysis in THP-1 Macrophage-like Cells Exposed to Various Nanomaterials

Ing. Mgr. Táňa Závodná, Ph.D. from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences will present the results of her scientific research in the area of nanotoxicology and will show certain ways how nanoparticles could negatively affect the human health. The presentation will take place, on-line...

17th NARECOM – NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting - Biosensors for immunocapture of circulating tumor cells

Biosensing using microfluidic devices represents a rapidly developing field focusing on applications in medical diagnostics. This interesting topic will be introduced by Mgr. Jiří Smejkal from the Centre for Nanomaterials and Biotechnology in Ústí nad Labem on May 18 2022 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://ces...

16th NARECOM – NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting - Nanomaterials (not only) for environmental applications

Nanomaterials for different practical applications will be introduced by scientists from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS in Řež. The 16th NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at 2:30. p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

15th NARECOM – NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting - In vivo toxicity study of metal oxides NMs in mice

A very interesting issue of toxicity nanomaterials and their effects on living organisms will be introduced by RNDr. Pavel Rossner, Ph.D. from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the CAS at the 15th NARECOM which will take place on Wednesday, March 16 2022 at 2:30. p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.u...

14th NARECOM – NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

Scientists from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the CAS in Řež will introduce the techniques used for nanomaterial characterization and the results from their collaboration with the Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering at UCT Prague will be presented. The 14th NARECOM will take place on Wednesday,...

International Conference on Research Infrastructures

During the International Conference on Research Infrastructures, Brno welcomes the most influential personalities from the world of science and research. SAVE the DATES from 19th to 21st October 2022. More information on

13th NARECOM –NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

Daniele Silvestri from the Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies, and Innovation at the Technical University in Liberec will present her lecture titled "Nano zero-valent iron in wastewater treatment" on Wednesday, January 19 2022 at 2:30. p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

Program of the NARECOM seminars in 2022

The final program for NARECOM seminars in 2022

NanoEnviCz partnerem při diskusích o možnosti získávání lithia

Vědecké týmy NanoEnviCz z UJEP diskutovali o možnostech získavani lithia a recyklace baterii. Celá zpráva na

12th NARECOM –NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

"The improvements of glassy properties of different types of glass" will be discussed by experts from UJEP on December 8, 2021 at 2:30 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting on

11th NARECOM –NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

The new experimental device will be introduced by Dr. Juraj Jašík from the Department of Nanocatalysis, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS on November, 10 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

NanoEnviCz at NANOCON 2021 in Brno

NanoEnviCz will organize a Workshop in the frame of the 13th international conference on nanomaterials NANOCON´21. Come to see our examples of collaboration with the users. Come to see what kind of services we can offer for your science...

10th NARECOM –NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

"USE OF PHOTOCATALYSIS IN PRACTISE" will be discussed by experts from the NanoEnviCz team and representatives of the private company Advanced Materials JTJ on October 13 at 2:30 p.m.

JeToNano – nultý ročník nanokonference - Inovační centrum Ústeckého kraje

Nanotechnologie rezonují světem - představení NanoEnviCz na pilotním ročníku ústecké nanokonference na UJEP. Prezentace Doc. RNDr. Martina Kalbáče, Ph.D. "NanoEnviCZ: Výzkumná infrastruktura, která propojila kapacity několika vědeckých organizací ČR v oblasti výzkumu nanomateriálů a nanotechnologií " Více informací ...

Zdravotní rizika používání nanočástic - seminář Nanobezpečnost

NanoEnviCz se zúčastní semináře a webináře o nanobezpečnosti, který se bude konat 13. října 2021 v AURELI hotelu Globus, Praha

9th NARECOM –NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

WELCOME AFTER THE SUMMER HOLIDAY The hot topic "Chemical modification of nanofiber membranes for specific functions" will be discussed by scientists from the University of J. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem on September, 15 at 2:30. p.m. The research results led to the production of the protection masks during the COVID p...

Vědečtí pracovníci NanoEnviCz se účastní letní nanoškoly NANO2021

Prázdninová letní škola NANO2021 byla pořádána Ústavem fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR, v.v.i. na konci letních prázdnin v termínu od 23. - 27. 8. 2021

8th NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

WHAT CAN CONNECT THE TOPICS AS NANOTITANIA AND CARBON MONOLITHS? will be discussed by experts from NanoEnviCz and the users from the University of Ostrava on Wednesday, June 23th at 2:30p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

7th NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

Current trends in environmental applications of nanostructured biopolymers will be discussed by experts from the Technical University of Liberec on Wednesday, June 9th at 2:30p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

Olinium: Olga Ryparová: Rozhovory o vědě, studiu a práci v chemii a dalších přírodovědných oborech (české podcasty)

Najdi spolupráci v nanovýzkumu - infrastruktura NanoEnviCz

6th NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF METAL OXIDES will be discussed by experts from the Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem and USERS of LRI NanoEnviCz services on Wednesday, May 26 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

5th NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

"The effect of nanoparticle exposure on DNA alterations in the human population" will be presented by Andrea Rössnerová, Ph.D. from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of AS CR on Wednesday, May 12 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

Future NARECOM meetings program

The scientific issues presented and discussed between the NanoEnviCz scientific teams and the NanoEnviCz users. The meetings are usually taking place every second Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.

Žádná molekula se neschová.

Nejmodernější spektrometr začal pracovat na CxI. Dokáže odhalit tisíce molekul pesticidů, léčiv nebo biologických látek v povrchových či podzemních vodách. Najde je i v rostlinných pletivech, živočišných tkáních, nebo tělních tekutinách. Více informací na

4th NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

MICROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES AS THE CORNERSTONE FOR THE UNDERSTANDING OF NANOMATERIALS NATURE will be discussed on-line by Ing. Ondřej Tomanec and Dr. Sourav Rej on April 28 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting

3rd NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

Photo(electro)chemical and surface characterization of semiconductor photocatalysts/materials will be discussed by Dr. Hana Krýsová and Dr. Roman Nebel (HIPC) and Dr. Šárka Paušová and Bc. Tomáš Imrich (Department of Inorganic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague) on April 14 at 2:30 p.m. JO...

Twitter - to be closer to our users

Nově sledujte VVI NanoEnviCz na Twitteru Follow the LRI NanoEnviCz on Twitter

V Liberci vyrábějí náplasti z nanovlákna s lepšími hojivými účinky

Vědci z Univerzity J. E. Purkyně z Ústí nad Labem zapojeni do VVI NanoEnviCz se podílejí na přípravě materiálů pro nové hojivé náplasti ve spolupráci s firmou Nano Medical.

Fyzikální čtvrtky - dnes přednáška vědeckého týmu IEM v rámci VVI NanoEnviCz

Volný cyklus přednášek a seminářů, které pořádá katedra fyziky FEL-ČVUT pro studenty, jejich učitele a odborné pracovníky i širší veřejnost Dnes 18.3. 2021 na programu přednáška Dr. Rossnera "Bezpečnosti nanotechnologií" v 16:15 hod. Celou prezentaci naleznete na youtube:

2nd NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

Nanostructured catalysts for sustainable processes: Hydrotreatment of hydrocarbons will be discussed by the scientists of Dr. Sazama´s team (HIPC) and P. Kukula (Ranido, Ltd) and Oleg Bortnovskiy (Euro Support Manufacturing Czechia, Ltd) on Wednesday 31st March at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.u...

1st NARECOM - NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

EXPERIMENTAL PHOTOCATALYSIS as a first issue presented and discussed between the NanoEnviCz scientific teams and users. The meeting will take place on March 17th at 2p.m. Do not hesitate to join our on-line meeting on ZOOM.

Roušky z ciziny vozit nemusíme, umíme je, říká šéf nanotechnologické firmy

Roudnická společnost Pardam, spolupracující s vědeckými týmy UJEP v rámci VVI NanoEnviCz , se prosazuje na trhu s nanovlákennou ochranou, s rouškami i respirátory.

Významný výsledek v oblasti reaktivních adsorbentů

Bifunctional TiO2/CeO2 reactive adsorbent/photocatalyst for degradation of bis-p-nitrophenyl phosphate and CWAs

Vědci z UJEP stále v centru prospěšného výzkumu

Česko má svůj první nanovlákenný bezventilový, navíc opakovaně použitelný, respirátor ochranné třídy FFP3 s 99,9% záchytem virů.

Published results in 2020

Summary of all published results to which LRI NanoEnviCz has contributed.

Tisková zpráva

Tisková zpráva o navázání spolupráce výzkumné infrastruktury NanoEnviCz s Asociací nanotechnologického průmyslu ČR

NanoEnviCz User Meeting 2020

NanoEnviCz USER MEETING 2020 will be held at the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS in Prague on the 8th of September 2020.

MGML - partnerská výzkumná infrastruktura

VVI NanoEnviCz navázala partnerskou spolupráci s VVI MGML

VVI NanoEnviCz získala finanční podporu na nákup a modernizaci přístrojového vybavení

Modernizace a upgrade VVI Nanomateriály a nanotechnologie pro ochranu životního prostředí a udržitelnou budoucnost (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015586)


Přeloženo na 8.9. 2020 ...... NanoEnviCz USER MEETING 2020 se bude konat 18. března 2020 na Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AVČR, v.v.i. v Praze

The list of papers published in the framework of NanoEnviCz in 2018 / Seznam publikací vytvořených v rámci NanoEnviCz za rok 2018

Papers / Publikace



Léto ve znamení NANO

Letní nanoškola: "Nanomateriály a životní prostředí"

Letní škola s názvem "NANOMATERIÁLY A ŽIVOTNÍ PROSTŘEDÍ" v termínu 27. - 29. 8. 2018


Meeting of International Scientific Board of RI NanoEnviCz/Pro-NanoEnviCz



10th anniversary International Conference on Nanomaterials - R&A

Lecture "Organic and bio-organic systems for solar energy conversion and CO2 recycling" (Rudolf Zahradník Lecture Series)


Seminar: Carbon, Iron and Silver Based Nanomaterials for Enviromental and Biomedical Technologies

Invited Lecture

Nový projekt Pro-NanoEnviCz

Dne 29.6.2017 vydalo Ministerstvo školství mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky rozhodnutí o poskytnutí dotace na nákup nových investic projektu Pro-NanoEnviCz, reg. číslo projektu: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001821 pro rozšíření portfolia nabízených služeb v rámci VI NanoEnviCz.

Důležitá událost: Workshop VI NanoEnviCz

22.11. 2016 se koná jednání VI NanoEnviCz v Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AVČR, v.v.i v 10.00 hod v místnosti číslo 108.